Coach R egistration
All head coaches must register online (free). This registration sets up your team page and allows you to invite players and assistant coaches to join your team. Coach registration can be done by clicking on the "Coach & Volunteer Registration" link in the module above. If you are the head coach of more than one team, please make sure that you sign up for all divisions/teams during the registration process.
Mandatory Coach Screening - Background Check and Ministry Safe Training
At Prestonwood Baptist Church, we are committed to creating a safe environment, free from abuse of any kind. Therefore, we require all staff members and volunteers to be approved through a two-step process:
1. Background check (annual requirement)
2. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training (required every two years)
All coaches must sign up to be entered into our screening database. Please click this link to sign up for screening:
Once entered in the screening database, you will receive an email from PSO with further instructions.
The volunteer screening process includes the requirement that each volunteer to complete the Ministry Safe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training. This training is required every two years and includes video sessions followed by a 25-question quiz. Like the background check, this training is good for all sports and ministries of our church for one year. After you register as a coach, if this training is not current, you will receive an e-mail from Prestonwood that will include a link to the training.
Why is the Ministry Safe Training now required?
At Prestonwood Baptist Church, we require all staff members and volunteers to complete the Ministry Safe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training before participating in our programs. This is required due to federal legislation enacted arising out of abuse discovered in a number of different sporting organizations: USA Gymnastics and USA Taekwondo to name a few. That legislation contains several provisions designed to reduce the risk of sexual molestation of minors in sports. Certain organizations are required to adhere to each provision and other organizations have less-stringent requirements. All organizations, however, can look to the provisions as establishing best practices as they relate to youth, sports and abuse prevention. These provisions include the creation and enforcement of policies and procedures to prevent abuse, as well as periodic training in the obligation to report and identify abuse.
Prestonwood takes its responsibility to step out against child abuse very seriously. We also recognize that other churches and organizations look to Prestonwood for leadership and guidance as we strive to be proactive, rather than reactive, in addressing concerns such as these. We believe that we have an obligation to follow best practices. As mentioned, one of those best practices is training. Prestonwood has partnered with Ministry Safe, a local expert in the field, to offer training and assist with the creation of policies.
We hope this helps clarify why PSO has begun requiring volunteers to complete this training. We are all troubled by the harsh realities of abuse and will always do what we can to prevent abuse. Training to raise awareness is one step we can take to protect those children in our care.
Steps for Head Coaches to Register
- Create a new account on this website if you have never logged in or log in with existing credentials by using the buttons at the top right of the page.
- Click on "Coach Sign Up" in the main bar at the top of any page, or "Sign Up" in the top module on this page, and then click on "Volunteer Now."
- Select the division(s) in which you want to coach. If you coach more than one team, please select all the divisions that apply and then click "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
- Select yourself to be the head coach.
- Enter your remaining information. This is where you will enter your team name.
- Your team page is created! Go to your team page and click on the "Roster" tab. Then click on the "Manage Roster Invites" button. From here you can invite players and assistant coaches to your team by entering their e-mail address. This page also tells you how many players have joined your team and what the minimum and maximum players per team are. Plus, the team code is on this page. You can pass out this code to anyone whom you would like to join your team. When you enter e-mail addresses on this page, each e-mail will already include the team code. Tell the parents of your players not to pass out the team code to anyone who is not on your roster or that person will be able to register for your team.
Coaches, keep in mind that there is a maximum of 10 players per team. If you played in our league last season, you must invite all of your players back to play for you. If you have an open spot, you can fill it with a new player of your choice; however, in most cases, any player that played on another team in our league last season is not eligible to play on your team. Please read the rules (link below) for complete details.
Coach's Manual
Click here for a link to the coach's manual.
Click here for a link to the devotional book.
Except where the rules unique to PSO apply, play is governed by the National Federation of State High School Association Rules Book for the current year. Click here if you would like to order a NFHS rule book.
NBA (3rd-6th Grade) Division Score Sheet - PDF
NBA (3rd-6th Grade) Division Score Sheet - Word Document
Devotional Guide
Each coach will receive a PSO Devotional Guide that will provide weekly lessons for your team. Coaches are required to lead their team through the devotional book throughout the PSO basketball season.
Practice Sign-Up
PSO provides one hour of practice time each week in the Prestonwood Sports & Fitness Center. A coach can request a practice time early by completing the following items:
1. Register online as a coach (see coach registration process above).
2. Complete the online background screening information, (see "Background Check" above).
3. Notify the players on your roster to register. Your team roster must have all 10 players and you must have 100% of those players registered in order to secure an early practice time (However PSO has the right to add players from the pool to complete rosters please )see Page 6 rule 5 article 2. You can invite players and assistant coaches to your team through your team roster page (see step 6 below for getting to this page). Beginning October 16th the last roster submitted to Gail becomes your official roster and PSO has the right to start adding players to the rosters of teams with low number of players (see rules for more details).
4. Once registered as a coach, you can go to your team page to check your roster of players. Log in with your normal registration login, then click on "My Account" in the top right, then click on the "Volunteer" tab under your name. The teams you have been assigned to will be listed there and you can click on them to go to the team page to see your roster. To see contact information you will have a link on your roster page that says "Print Roster." This link is only visible to coaches that have been assigned to the team.
Coaches who do not complete these requirements in advance will have an opportunity to sign up for the remaining practice times that are available at the PSO Basketball Coaches meeting.
Paid referees assigned by Family for Officiating LLC. are used in our leagues. Our NBA divisions (grades 3–6) use two referees and the NCAA divisions (grades 1–2) use one refereed per game. In our Pre-K Boys and our Pre-K–K Girls divisions, the coaches of the teams officiate their own games.
Coaches Meeting
Coaches will be required to attend a coaches’ meeting where a clear message will be provided regarding the mission of the PSO Basketball League, league rules, expectations, etc. All coaches will be expected to attend and sign a statement of understanding. Coaches’ meeting dates are listed on the Key Dates page. You must attend one of the mandatory meetings.
Post-Season Tournament
There will be a post-season tournament in the NBA (grades 3–6) divisions. Participation in this tournament is an added bonus and not a right. It is not guaranteed that all teams will make it into the tournament (at least four teams from each division will qualify for the post-season tournament). Seeding in this tournament will be determined based on win/loss records during the regular season. In the event of ties, the online standings may not be correct (please check the official rules for tie-breaker rules). Teams will only advance to the post-season tournament if they can field a team of at least five players. The tournament is a single-elimination tournament.
The registration fee does not include player uniforms. PSO has a preferred provider relationship with Cardinal's Sport Center (4817 W. Park Blvd., Plano, Texas). Through this relationship, orders must be placed by the coach for the team. Coaches must follow the uniform order process.
Uniform Ordering Process
- Coach fills out and submits order form and payment to Cardinal's prior to the deadline.
- Cardinal's will contact the coach when the uniforms are ready for pick up.
- Coach or team representative picks up uniforms from Cardinal's in Plano.
- Coach or team representative distributes the uniforms to the team at a practice or time and place of choice.
PSO Basketball Uniform – Coach Orders
Coaches we will have one option for uniforms this year for PSO Basketball. We are happy to be able to partner with Cardinal's Sports. Below you will find the order forms for Cardinal Sports. See the uniform order forms below for details on uniform orders.
Cardinal Sports
NCAA (Grades Pre-K–2) Forms
Roster Form (must be submitted with order form)
NCAA Uniform Order Form
NBA (Grades 3–6) Forms
Roster Form (must be submitted with order form)
NBA Uniform Order Form
Cardinal Sports Uniform Information
4817 W. Park Blvd.
Plano, Texas 75093
(972) 985-1144