PSO Softball provides an opportunity for girls to learn about softball, sportsmanship and teamwork in a loving and supportive atmosphere. PSO focuses on developing the fundamental skills essential to the game while providing fun and competitive games. Our focus is our athletes have fun learning the game. To this end, we require that all players have an opportunity to bat and play defense in every game.
Volunteers Needed
If you love Jesus and Softball and would like to serve or coach in this league please email Mike Maack at [email protected]
PSO Softball provides youth league baseball for kids ages 5–12.
PSO coaches are trained to encourage, motivate, and build each child's self-esteem as well as his or her athletic ability. All PSO coaches are required to complete a thorough background check along with a coach’s certification program.
Player Equipment
Individual players are responsible for supplying their own gloves, softball cleats (no metal cleats allowed), bats and batting helmets. Players may not need their own bat; they may share with other members of their teams. It is also recommended, but not mandatory, that all players wear a protective fielding mask as an added measure of protection.
Team Equipment
Game balls will be provided to each team. All other divisions provide their own equipment.
PSO allows the USA Bat and the USSSA 1.15 BPF Bat Standard. Bats may not exceed 2 3/4" in diameter and must not exceed Drop 13 (-13 difference between length and weight).
All games will be played on our PSO Baseball/Softball Fields at the Joe Perry Sports Complex. The PSO Fields are located along Plano Parkway, west of Midway Road. Fields 1, 2, and 3 have turf infields, which will help cut down on rainouts due to wet fields. This top-of-the-line turf is made to act just like real grass. Therefore, it is safe for players to slide, and they can wear their normal softball cleats. As always, metal cleats are not allowed in our leagues. Absolutely no seeds, gum or tobacco product are allowed on any of the fields.
Click here for the PSO field map and updates on field conditions.
Time Commitment
Teams will be allowed to conduct practices during the week. Practice time and locations will be at the coach's discretion. All games will be played at the PSO Fields.
Spiritual Development
In keeping with our mission, PSO Softball is committed to introducing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to our players and mentoring them in the Christian life by the example set by our coaches and league officials. To that end, coaches will be supplied with devotionals that will be shared weekly with their players. Additionally, prayer will be a common occurrence at practices and games. The Gospel will also be presented to all players 7 and older, who will have a chance to respond to Christ's call on their lives.
Grade Exception Rule
PSO has a "grade exception" rule in effect which allows kids to play "down," even though they are considered league-age eligible to play in the next division up. As long as they are still in the same grade as those playing in the league down they are allowed to play with their classmates. Players playing down may not be allowed to pitch. Proof of grade must be submitted for approval by the league leadership of PSO to allow older players to play down with their classmates. Apart from the grade exception rule, the only circumstance where a player can possibly play down is for physical or health reasons, and that must be documented by a doctor and submitted to the league for approval.
Note: If not enough players are registered, leagues may be modified to accommodate same-level play.
Professional Skills Training
Professional instruction is available. For individual or group skills training and pitching lessons, contact Mike Maack at [email protected].